Dieses Buch ist eine Fundgrube des esoterischen Wissens und der magischen Praxis. Der Autor zeigt hier einen Weg, wie man seine magischen Kräfte systematisch entwickelt und gezielt einsetzt. Product details Format Paperback | 407 pages Dimensions 149 x 211 x 27mm | 592g ...
Learn how to challenge fears, be open to new directions, recognize connections between objects and ideas, and much more in this remarkable, indispensable guide to freeing the creative spirit within all of us. "I think on some mystical level that Jan Stewart and Corita Kent were joined at the tip in the creation of Learning by Heart. The mystery of life is apparent in the creative expression of their work together"--Bob Bates, Co-founder, Inner-City Arts Artist and educator Corita Kent inspired generations of artists, and the truth of her words We can all talk, we can all write, and if the blocks are removed, we can all draw and paint and make things still shines through. This revised edition of her classic work Learning by Heart features a new foreword and a chart of curriculum standards. Kent's original projects and exercises, developed through more than 30 years as an art teacher and richly illustrated with 300 thought-provoking images, are as inspiring and as freeing today as they were during her lifetime. With new material by art world heavyweights Susan Friel and Barbara Loste, Learning by Heart brings creative inspiration into the 21st century!
Product details
- Paperback | 232 pages
- 178 x 232 x 18mm | 311g
- 03 Mar 2009
- Allworth Press,U.S.
- New York, United States
- English
- 2nd edition
- 300 B & W
- 1581156472
- 9781581156478
- 88,058
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