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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2020

Praxis der weissen und schwarzen Magie (3980270408)

Dieses Buch ist eine Fundgrube des esoterischen Wissens und der magischen Praxis. Der Autor zeigt hier einen Weg, wie man seine magischen Kräfte systematisch entwickelt und gezielt einsetzt. Product details Format Paperback | 407 pages Dimensions 149 x 211 x 27mm | 592g

Der Pergamonaltar (3805351445)

Würde man heute eine Liste der Weltwunder zusammenstellen, stünde für Berlin sicher der Pergamonaltar obenauf. Der große Altar wurde unter König Eumenes II. in der ersten Hälfte des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. auf dem Burgberg der kleinasiatischen Stadt Pergamon errichtet. Er war 35,64 Meter breit und 33,40 Meter tief. Die von Westen auf den Altar führende Freitreppe hatte eine Breite von fast 20 Metern. Den Sockel schmückte ein Hochrelief, das den Kampf der Giganten gegen die griechischen Götter darstellte. Ein zweiter Fries an den Hofwänden des Altars erzählte die Legende von Telephos, einem Sohn des Herakles. Die Reliefplatten des Altars kamen ab 1879 nach Berlin, seit 1930 wurden sie im eigens dafür errichteten Pergamonmuseum auf der Museumsinsel gezeigt. Volker Kästner und Huberta Kästner erzählen die Geschichte des monumentalen Altars, seiner Wiederentdeckung und erklären die berühmten Friese. Mit zahlreichen Zeichnungen, historischen Abbildungen und detailreichen Nahaufnahmen.

Subaru Legacy 1990-99 (1563926466)

Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index. Product details Format Paperback | 256 pages Dimensions 211 x 270

The Anti-Bubbles : Opportunities Heading into Lehman Squared and Gold's Perfect Storm (9781947441828)

The Anti-Bubbles is a contrarian framework that challenges the status quo and complacency of Global Markets towards the false belief/misconception that central banks and governments are infallible and in full control. A forward-looking analysis of the opportunities, risks, and unintended consequences associated with testing the limits of monetary policy, testing the limits of credit markets, and testing the limits of fiat currencies. This book presents both sides of the story, including Larry Summer's "prudent imprudence for fiscal expansion", George Soros' "reflexivity theory applied to monetary policy", Mohamed El-Erian´s "T-juction and diplomatic neutrality", along the "Lehman Squared" and "Gold´s Perfect Storm" investment theses, and coins innovative ideas such as "anti-bubbles", "the acronyms", or "monetary supercycle", which join a series of innovative concepts such as "The Flattening of

Motivation-based Interviewing : A Revolutionary Approach to Hiring the Best (1586445472)

Stop Asking the Wrong Interview Questions and Start Hiring High Performers. The candidate seemed to have it all-a great resume, the perfect skills and confident responses to all of your interview questions. You had a good feeling about this one. Finally, a high performer-that terrific hire who undoubtedly would produce extraordinary results. But that's not how it turned out, was it? Here's a little secret: Before you can hire a high performer, you have to correctly identify a high performer. And to identify a high performer you have to ask effective interview question... and know how to evaluate the answers. Hiring the best requires more than just assessing a candidate's skill. Interviewers must also determine the candidate's attitude toward overcoming obstacles and how passionate they are about achieving your goals-both proven predictors of future success. Hiring expert and popular keynote speaker Carol Quinn provides a complete guide for accurately and reliably assess

Becoming Visible : Women in European History (0395796253)

Thematic emphases in this text include the contacts between European women and those outside European frontiers, sexuality and its importance for the construction of gender over the centuries, and the role of women in the great events and movements in European history and the impact of such events on them. Product details Format Paperback | 608 pages Dimensions 165 x 235 x 20mm | 790g

Finding Your ElvenHeart : Working with the Inner Realm of the Sidhe (9781644111499)

A guide to untaming yourself on a quest to discover your inner Sidhe nature, your ElvenHeart, for wholeness, healing, and awakening * Explores who the Sidhe are and shares close encounters with them in our modern world * Invites you to discover your ElvenHeart by journeying through the four portals of the StoneAnchor, the FlowDancer, the FireDreamer, and the WindSinger * Offers gifts in the form of simple exercises to bring you into contact with your magical kin and rewild yourself Awaken to your closest kin, the Sidhe (pronounced "Shee"), and let them inspire you to rediscover your gentle, wild, innermost nature, your ElvenHeart. Also known as the Faery People or the Good Neighbors, the Sidhe are not just figments of human imagination. They are reaching out to us, encouraging a reunion with humanity, and inviting us to partner with them in restoring wholeness to the world. As they reveal, serving Gaia or healing the Earth from the present crisis is not a convenience--it is a

Modeillustrationen leicht gemacht : Figurinen-Posen, Kleidung, Materialien (3830708742)

Die eigenen Mode-Ideen überzeugend und lebendig zu präsentieren, wird mit diesem Band denkbar einfach gemacht: Erläutert werden die Visualisierung von dynamischen und korrekt proportionierten Modeposen gegliedert in verschiedene Stilrichtungen von der Präsentation von Alltagskleidung bis zum Business-Outfit ebenso wie die Darstellung verschiedener Schnitte gängiger Basic-Teile. Zudem erleichtert eine beiliegende CD-ROM mit mehr als zweihundertfünfzig lizenzfreien Vorlagen den sofortigen Einstieg in die Kunst der Modeillustration. Product details Format Paperback | 144 pages Dimensions 217

Mediales Lernen : Beispiele für eine inklusive Mediendidaktik (3834015490)

Mediales Lernen ... Warum nicht Medienlernen? Oder Mediendidaktik? Oder Medienbildung? Mediales Lernen verlagert - so die Intention - den Fokus vom Umgang mit Medien auf das Lernen als zentralen Aspekt und führt ein wenig weg von der Ausrichtung auf Medien. Gemeint sind mit "Medien" zwar auch - und vielleicht sogar in erster Linie - Neue Medien bzw. digitale Medien, also Computer, Tablets und Co. Medien sind aber mittlerweile sehr vielfältig und lassen sich nicht auf eine ausgewählte Hardware reduzieren. Im Verständnis dieses Buches wird der Inklusionsbegriff von den Personen auf inklusive Lernsituationen verlagert und beschreibt ein Lernen, in denen die Medien in "herkömmliche" Lernszenarien eingebunden sind. Anders formuliert: Es geht um die Inklusion von Medien in Lernsituationen. Product details Format

Sports Management and Administration (9780415274579)

Sport is a growing industry with enormous numbers of people now involved in the management and administration of sports, fitness and exercise. Whether voluntary, public or commercial sectors, all can benefit by improving the practice and delivery of the management of sport and its organisations. This text is designed to help all those delivering sport to deliver it better and includes: * What's different and special about sports management? * The voluntary sector * Event management and marketing * Marketing, fundraising and sponsorship * Managing staff and volunteers * Organisational management principles * Legal issues including health and safety * Case studies - both local and national. Full of practical examples this book reveals sports management in action, showing how good management helps us to deliver better sports participation, at all levels. This book is a must for undergraduates as well as an invaluable tool for professionals in sport management and administration

Viaggiare con il cane. Destinazioni, salute, documenti, pernottamento (8859239176)

Non lasciare a casa il tuo cane! Utili suggerimenti per partire con il tuo cane senza problemi. Informazioni su vaccinazioni e documenti necessari, mezzi di trasporto, salute e benessere in viaggio e sistemazioni amiche degli animali. Con il contributo di esperti e illustrazioni originali. Product details Format Paperback | 128 pages Publication date 13 Apr 2017 Publisher EDT

Social Media Balanced Scorecard : Erfolgreiche Social Media-Strategien in Der Praxis (3834814636)

Die Investitionen in Onlinemarketing steigen kontinuierlich, so auch die Werbung in sozialen Medien. Bisher ist es allerdings schwierig, Reichweite und Wirkung sozialer Medien zu messen und die Wertschöpfung zu ermitteln, die das Marketing im Bereich sozialer Medien auf die wesentlichen Unternehmensziele wie Umsatzentwicklung, Konversionsereignisse und Kundenzufriedenheit hat. Das Buch stellt einen Ansatz vor, durch den Einsatz der Social Media Balanced Scorecard und der Strategy Map strategische Organisations- und Marketingziele auf messbare operative Ziele herunterzubrechen. Durch das vorgestellte Konzept kann ein Performance Measurement für Marketingmaßnahmen im Social Web implementiert werden und so die Verteilung des Marketingbudgets optimiert und die Wirksamkeit für Entscheider nachvollziehbar werden. Product details Format

The Value of Their Deaths (9781447778608)

A moving tribute to all those who served during the Great War. With their passing, goes not our remembrance. The author donates all profits from the sale of this book to the Victorian TPI Association, helping Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Returned Service Men and Women. Product details Format Paperback | 32 pages Dimensions 148.08 x 209.8 x 2.03mm | 90.72g

How To Get A Man To Cherish You...If You're His Wife : A no-nonsense guide for every wife or bride-to-be. (0998018910)

Being his wife is only the beginning... Do you long to be adored, treasured, valued, and held dear by your husband? It's not too late! How to Get a Man to Cherish You...if You're His Wife will help you change the way you're treated by the man you love. You'll start by hitting the RESET button on your relationship. I will give you strategies and practical ways to tap into and maximize your own feminine energy for the good of your marriage. You deserve the love you've always desired. This is a must read for every wife and bride-to-be! Being his wife is only the beginning. Every woman wants to be cherished by her husband. How to Get a Man to Cherish You shows you how to create this reality in your own marriage. Order Your Copy Today! Product details Format Paperback

Kleine Wolke, großer Bär (3551065012)

Lebendige, informative und zugleich kindgerechte Texte zeichnen diese neue Erstlesereihe aus. Die Kinder können sich interessante Sachthemen erlesen, die in einer kleinen Geschichte verpackt sind. Ist doch die Lesemaus Spezialistin für Sachthemen, die die Kinder faszinieren. Mit pfiffigen Leserätseln können sie selbstständig die eigenen Lernerfolge überprüfen. So macht Lesenlernen Spaß. Product details Format Pamphlet | 24 pages Dimensions 147 x 210 x 5mm | 72g

Filmklassiker : Beschreibungen und Kommentare (3150300339)

Mit der Aufnahme eines in einen Bahnhof einlaufenden Zuges soll die Geschichte des Films ihren Anfang genommen haben. Inzwischen sind hundert Jahre vergangen, und die Filmproduktion hat sich weltweit zu einem wichtigen Industriezweig entwickelt. Namhafte Filmhistoriker und -kritiker stellen hier über 500 internationale Kinoklassiker in Beschreibungen und Interpretationen vor. Es handelt sich um Meisterwerke bedeutender Regisseure, aber auch um Filme, die dem Geschmack eines breiteren Publikums Rechnung trugen. Product details Format Paperback | 2714 pages Dimensions 121

Painting Miniatures (9781847978400)

Miniatures are not simply small paintings: special techniques are used to achieve their unique glow and luminosity. This book explains how to paint in detail in a small format with colour and precision. It gives an introduction to the history and traditions of miniatures set by Holbein, Hilliard and Oliver. Advice is given on materials, paints, bases and framing and there are step-by-step demonstrations of stippling and hatching, watercolour and oil painting, and colour mixing. There is a focus also on portraits, still life and silhouettes. Drawing on her extensive experience, Pauline Denyer-Baker shares her passion for painting miniatures, and inspires both beginners and more experienced artists to master and enjoy this historic art form. Product details Format Paperback | 17

Wellensittich entflogen - Farbe egal : Kuriose Zettelwirtschaft (3548374336)

Sie hängen an Kreuzungen, an Haltestellen und in Hauseingängen: witzige, kreative und kryptische Zettel. Sie erzählen von der Liebe, von Döner-Köchen, verlorenen Kleinoden, den Problemen beim Zusammenleben und dreibeinigen Katzen. Eine höchst unterhaltsame Zettelwirtschaft. Product details Format Paperback | 208 pages Dimensions 121 x 197 x 15mm | 251g

Eclipses : What Everyone Needs to Know (R) (9780190902476)

"Have you ever seen a total solar eclipse?" If the question caused you to search your memory, the correct answer would have been "no." A common response is: "Yes-I saw one, it was about 90% partial eclipse where I lived." A 90% partial eclipse is indeed a remarkable phenomenon, but true totality leaves all else in the shade, in all senses of the phrase. Ask the question of anyone who has experienced the full sensation of being obliterated by the moon's shadow, and they will reply "yes"-without hesitation-and continue with a monologue describing the overwhelming experiences and unique phenomena that ensued. On 21 August 2017 millions of people across the United States witnessed "The Great American Eclipse" of the Sun. The moment it was over, people around the world were asking questions: what caused the weird shadows and colors in the build up to totality? Were those ephemeral bands of shadows gliding across the ground in the secon

Mathe ist Trumpf. Kommentarband : Materialien zum kompetenzorientierten Mathematikunterricht aus dem Projekt PIKAS (3060841489)

Der Kommentarband bietet Konzeptionelles und Beispiele aus dem Projekt PIKAS.] Product details Format Paperback | 192 pages Dimensions 210 x 297 x 10mm | 516g Publication date 01 Sep 2017 Publisher

Lemegeton: The Complete Books I-V (0993328415)

Lemegeton, also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon the King or Clavicula Salomonis Regis, is a 17th century demonology Grimoire written by an anonymous author. It contains names of spirits/demons, other sacred names, sigils/seals, invocations and summoning techniques, spells, prayers, rituals and occult knowledge that has been obtained by the author, material which dates between the early 15th and the late 17th century. The Grimoire is divided in five parts called The Books. These are: Ars Goetia (or Goetia), Ars Theurgia Goetia (or Theurgia), Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel and Ars Notoria. Note from the Publisher: The illustrations in this book come from enhanced scans of the original seals. The scans have been painted over by hand using black ink and then re-scanned in order to improve the texture and make the lines and letters more legible, as some of the pages and illustrations of the book have deteriorated due to the manuscript's age, and they appear faded or broken. The original ma

times & more Katzen long 2019 (3840162572)

Praktischer Langplaner mit niedlichen Katzen-Motiven und übersichtlichem Kalendarium für Eintragungen. Product details Format Calendar | 13 pages Dimensions 118 x 497 x 9mm | 143g Publication date 11 Jun 2018 Publisher