Dieses Buch ist eine Fundgrube des esoterischen Wissens und der magischen Praxis. Der Autor zeigt hier einen Weg, wie man seine magischen Kräfte systematisch entwickelt und gezielt einsetzt. Product details Format Paperback | 407 pages Dimensions 149 x 211 x 27mm | 592g ...
In recent decades a new movement has arisen, bringing the conceptual tools of analytic philosophy to bear on theological reflection. Called analytic theology, it seeks to bring a clarity of thought and a disciplined use of logic to the work of constructive Christian theology.
In this introduction to analytic theology for specialists and nonspecialists alike, Thomas McCall lays out what it is and what it isn't. The goal of this growing and energetic field is not the removal of all mystery in theology. At the same time, it insists that mystery must not be confused with logical incoherence.
McCall explains the connections of analytic theology to Scripture, Christian tradition and culture, using case studies to illuminate his discussion. Beyond mere description, McCall calls the discipline to a deeper engagement with the traditional resources of the theological task.
Product details
- Paperback | 192 pages
- 152 x 229 x 13mm | 272g
- 15 Jan 2016
- InterVarsity Press
- Inter-Varsity Press,US
- Illinois, United States
- English
- 0830840958
- 9780830840953
- 627,474
Download An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology (9780830840953).pdf, available at prealblog.org for free.
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